Looking to Donate?
Thank you for considering donating to Maryvale.
Your donation will help the quality of life for youth and families experiencing mental health distress in Windsor/Essex and Chatham/Kent.
Your Donation Will Help Us Achieve Our Goals

1) Signficantly improve the emotional, social, and spirtual development of children and teens and to enhance the functioning of their families.

2) Provide the maximum service available in the community to each teen and family by initiating and promoting an active, practical collaboration with other community organizations and individuals for the benefit of the teen and family.

3) Enhance the understanding of Children's Mental Health issues by participating in consultation, public education, University and College student placement, training and research and prevention activities.

4) Be involved in individual advocacy and systems advocacy.

5) Support the planning and development of an improved network of coordinated community services.
Who We Are

Founded in 1929, Maryvale is a Children’s Mental Health treatment centre in Windsor, Ontario, where adolescents experiencing very serious emotional, psychological and mental distress can receive therapy and assistance. Our clinical experts provide multi-disciplinary treatment, from psychologists, child psychiatrists, social workers, child and youth workers, special education teachers, and nurse practitioners. In addition, a Neuro Psychologist, a Speech and Language Therapist, and a Family Physician are part of the Maryvale team.